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By checking your online account, you will see your current and prior orders including your Order Number and any and all payments received. Because our staff is so busy processing orders from all over the world each day, we were forced to make some tough decisions. We are no longer taking phone calls or adding shipping information into the web servers. We do answer all emails within 24 hours and that will never stop.

All order are shipped within 48 hours of receipt of funds unless we are out of stock on a medicine. We are now informing our customers of orders that are out of stock by email. We do not provide tracking numbers unless your order is more than 30 days late beyond all custom delays. PLEASE NOTE: Medicina Mexico has no influence over any government's customs. Access to our shipping computers is no longer available to our English Sections because it resulted in that department failure to finish its daily duties.

Please NOTE: Funds received without an order number or a customer's name are placed into our SUSPENSE ACCOUNT until we are able to determine the correct owner and order number. To avoid this, please always send an email to:  along with your order number and the fact that you made a payment.

The UNITED STATES and some other countries require a prescription on all medications sold from Mexico. They further require documentation in English and an invoice of all medicines sold for customs.  For these countries, Medicina Mexico is now delivering your medicines to Dr. Isaac Reyes, MD (Ced. Federal 644884) (Ced. Estatal 1537-02/05) along with the required documentation including documentation on each medication sold in English is from Wolters Kluwer.   Dr. Reyes upon receipt of your medication will issue a prescription and provide for shipping pursuant to your order.  If for any reason, Dr. Reyes fails to issue a prescription for a specific medication, then you will receive a refund or credit.

Please never send an email to more to one of our email addresses and please wait for our response. When sending in an email, please include your full name, and always include your order number and how we can help you. Each day we receive over 90,000 emails and we do not have the time to read repeative emails, nor do we remember prior emails.

Licensed pharmacies in Mexico are only allowed to sell medications, either brands or generics, from an approved pharmaceutical which has passed testing and has subsequently been authorized by the Mexican Government.

Medicina Mexico purchased a 8 million dollar AI System. When a medicine is out of stock, we will now ship the balance of your medicine. The AI will automatically order your medicine and when it arrives it will be shipped to you by our AI System.

Never take a medication without first consulting and getting permission from your MD.

If you look on the left-hand side of any of our web pages at (About US) you will see our licenses, permits and our Regulatory Body.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Our email address is: or

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Eskazole 400mg SUSP INF 10 ml, Albendazole

Eskazole 400mg SUSP INF 10 ml, Albendazole
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Eskazole 400mg SUSP INF 10 ml, Albendazole


INDICATIONS: Zentel Dosage Forms is a benzimidazole carbamate with anthelmintic activity and polyvalent against protozoan, which is effective in the treatment of the following intestinal parasites and tissues: Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, whipworm, Strongyloides stercoralis, Taenia sp, Hymenolepis nana (only if associated parasitism), Chlonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis cutaneous larva migrans and viverrini. Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia, Giardia, Giardia intestinalis, lamblia intestinalis) in children. Gnathostomiasis (caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum and related species).

HUMAN Pharmacokinetics: After oral administration, albendazole is absorbed in small amounts (less than 5%).

The pharmacological effect of albendazole increases when given with fatty foods, which increases about 5 times its absorption.

Distribution: Following administration of a single dose of 400 mg of albendazole, it has been reported that the pharmacologically active metabolite albendazole sulfoxide, maximum concentrations of 1.6 to 6.0 micromol / ml, when taken with breakfast.

Metabolism: Albendazole rapidly undergoes extensive first pass metabolism in the liver and is not detected in plasma. The primary metabolite albendazole sulfoxide is active and effective molecule against systemic infections.

Elimination: The elimination half-life is 8½ hours. Albendazole sulfoxide and its metabolites are excreted in the bile, only a small portion is excreted in the urine. Removing cysts occurs several weeks after the high and prolonged dose.

Special patient populations:

Elderly: Although not investigated the effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of albendazole sulfoxide, data in 26 hydatid cyst patients up to 79 years suggest that is similar to that of young people. The number of elderly patients treated either hydatid disease or neurocysticercosis is limited, but there were no problems associated with the elderly population.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not administer during pregnancy or when there is suspicion thereof, or in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula.

PRECAUTIONS: To avoid use during early pregnancy, women of childbearing age should start their administration during the first week of menstruation or when you have a negative pregnancy test result.

Zentel Dosage Forms Suspension contains benzoic acid that can irritate the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. You can increase the risk of jaundice in the newborn.


Pregnancy Albendazole should not be administered during pregnancy or in women who suspected they might be pregnant (see CONTRAINDICATIONS).

Lactation It is not known whether albendazole or its metabolites are excreted in human breast milk. Therefore, Zentel Dosage Forms should not be used during lactation unless it is considered that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks associated with treatment.

ADVERSE REACTIONS: Data from large clinical trials were used to determine the frequency of very common to rare adverse events. The frequencies assigned to all other adverse events (eg, <1 / 1,000) were mainly determined using post-marketing data and refer to a reporting rate rather than true frequency of reports.

Very common: = 1/10, common: the following classification was used = 1/100 and <1/10, uncommon: 1/1 = 000 and <1/100, rare: = 1 / 10,000 to <1 / 1,000, very rare <1 / 10,000.

Alterations of the immune system:

Rare: hypersensitivity reactions, including erythema, pruritus and urticaria.

Aletraciones nervous system:

No communes: headache and dizziness.

Gastrointestinal disorders:

Uncommon: upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms (eg, epigastric or abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting) and diarrhea.

Hepatobiliary Altreaciones:

Rare: elevations of liver enzymes.

Disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue:

Very rare: erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

DRUG INTERACTIONS: praziquantel has been reported to increase plasma levels of the active metabolite of albendazole.

CHANGES IN RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS: At low doses and brevity in treatment, has not been reported changes in laboratory parameters that establish a causal relationship with albendazole.

PRECAUTIONS IN RELATION TO EFFECTS OF Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility: Albendazole has embryotoxic and teratogenic effects in rats and rabbits. It was no evidence of mutagenicity and genotoxicity in vitro and in vivo tests (including the Ames test). In studies of long-term toxicity in rats and mice with daily doses above 30 times the recommended dose for humans, no tumor formation related to treatment was observed.







enterobiasis *



Adults and children over 2 years

400 mg

(2 tablets of 200 mg,

One 400 mg tablet or 10 ml


Single dose

Children aged 1 to 2 years

200 mg

(1 tablet of 200 mg or

5 ml of suspension)

Single dose


intestinal tapeworm

hymenolepiasis **

Adults and children over 2 years

400 mg

(2 tablets of 200 mg,

One 400 mg tablet or 10 ml


Once daily for 3 days



Adults and children over 2 years

400 mg

(2 tablets of 200 mg,

One 400 mg tablet or 10 ml


Twice daily for 3 days


Children 2 to 12 years

400 mg

(2 tablets of 200 mg,

One 400 mg tablet or 10 ml


Once a day for 5 days

Cutaneous Larva migrans

Adults and children over 2 years

400 mg

(2 tablets of 200 mg,

One 400 mg tablet or 10 ml


Once daily for 1 to 3 days


Adults and children over 2 years

400 mg

(2 tablets of 200 mg,

One 400 mg tablet or 10 ml


Once a day for 12 to 14 days

* To achieve a complete cure of cases of infestation enterobios, prescribe strict hygiene and the same treatment to families and persons living with the patient.

** It is recommended retreatment 10-21 days later, given the life cycle of the parasites.

If patients do not heal after three weeks, a second treatment is indicated. No need for special procedures such as fasting or laxative use.

The tablets may be swallowed, chewed or crushed or taken with water.

REPRESENTATIONS AND MANAGEMENT Overdosage: In case of overdose symptomatic measures should be adopted (gastric lavage) and general treatment support.

    Active substances: Albendazole
    Presentation: SUSP
    Concentration: 200mg
    Extended-release tablets: No
    Laboratory: Armstrong Laboratories, S.A. de C.V.
    Made in Mexico

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